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West Marin Fund raises money from everyone who loves West Marin — from full time residents to second home owners to frequent visitors — and then gives that money to the often invisible network of nonprofit organizations that are helping to create a just and thriving West Marin.

West Marin’s unincorporated towns rely on the services of our nonprofits, and we encourage you to give generously.

Making a Difference

Our goal is to increase resources to local nonprofits and at the same time offer you the opportunity to enhance your reach in West Marin. We encourage you to continue giving to the nonprofits you already support, and also consider including West Marin Fund in your giving.

“I have a home in Inverness and support several local nonprofits. I also give to West Marin Fund and for me it is very important to do so because the Fund is in touch with and supports important work by non-profits in our community that I am unaware of, as well as providing many workshops and tools to nurture all of our nonprofits in their growth.”

– Suzanne Speh

Ways to Give

We welcome all forms of giving and recommend consulting your financial advisor to determine which forms of giving are best for you, your family and your tax situation.

Our tax ID number is #27-4102086

Contact our Executive Director for assistance and for more information about giving to West Marin Fund.

Your contribution will be applied where it is most needed, unless you give specific instructions on its use.

Stock & Securities

We accept gifts of stock and securities through our brokerage account at Fidelity Investments. Please follow our transfer instructions and learn about the advantages of giving stock and securities.

IRA Charitable Rollover

If you are over 70½ years old, you can directly transfer up to $100,000 per year from an IRA account to one or more charities. If you are age 72 or older, this transfer counts toward the minimum required distribution rule for IRA accounts, and such distributions are free of both income and estate taxes.

Donor Advised Fund

A donor advised fund is easy to set up and provides a simple and flexible option for charitable giving. It allows you to steer your giving by making grant recommendations, while leaving the administrative tasks to West Marin Fund.

Field of Interest Funds

A field of interest fund supports a specific geographic or issue area. This can be broad (such as education or the environment) or narrow (such as youth centers or coastal protection). For those who wish to support a cause but don’t want to be involved with specific grantmaking details, this is an excellent option, and means you contribute with other donors who share your interest.

Endowment Fund

You can assign your gift or part of your gift to our Endowment Fund, to ensure long-term support for the communities and nonprofits of West Marin.

Legacy Gift

We greatly appreciate being included in your will or trusts, as this assures ongoing community support over time.

Memorial Tributes

West Marin Fund offers families and friends the opportunity to set up a giving page in memory of their loved ones, so that funds can be used to support the interests of the person being remembered.
