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Why Workshops?

Many nonprofit organizations lack the funds and person-power to send their staff to training workshops where they can boost their knowledge and learn new skills.  This is especially problematic in a rural area such as West Marin, where attending most trainings can mean up to three hours’ travel.

One of West Marin Fund’s most popular services is the shared learning, skillbuilding workshops we offer our local nonprofits for free, the subjects of which are based on requests from the field. High quality, professional presenters address a particular topic, answer participant questions, and provide handouts for guidance and later use.

Equally important is the too-rare opportunity to meet with colleagues in an informal setting. During the COVID-19 shelter-in-place orders, we provided a range of trainings and professional input through video conference meetings, one-on-one coaching, and webinars.

Past Workshops

  • Webinar Series: Community Based Program Evaluation
  • Navigating the COVID-19 Crisis
  • Accessing loans under the Payment Protection Plan
  • Board Roles and Responsibilities
  • Project Implementation and Management
  • Fiscal Sponsorship, Financial Transparency, and Fundraising.
  • Better Media Outreach: Local Media Strategies and Specifics
  • Creating a Smart Phone Video
  • Grantsmanship: the art of the perfect proposal
  • Nonprofit Law 101
  • Enhancing Nonprofit Effectiveness with Information Technology