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Update July 2013

By May 5, 2013October 5th, 2024No Comments

The West Marin Fund has been very active these past months.  Grants, Confabs and more…

The latest about the Fund and our West Marin non-profits can be found on our Facebook page!:

Youth Involvement Grants

In March the WMF sent out a request for proposals for projects and programs that get local youth involved with the community service work of our area’s nonprofit organizations.  The goal of this grants program is to teach young people about community service and to develop the next generation of community leaders.

We received 22 proposals and on May 15th made 20 grants totaling $50,000.  Funded projects ranged from internships in local non-profits (including work as student scientists, youth DJ’s, and apprentice fundraisers) to teaching disabled kids to ride to creating a walking tour of Point Reyes Station.

The full list of these grantees can be found here:

Congratulations to our grantees, with deep appreciation for the myriad of services they provide our communities.

Another Confab!

On May 7th the West Marin Fund hosted its 3rd ConFab – a truly fabulous convening at the Dance Palace in Point Reyes of over 50 community leaders who attended workshops on “Creating iPhone Videos for Your Website” and “The Roles and Responsibilities of a Non-Profit Board of Directors”.  Once the learning was over, we all gathered for a reception. These skill-building and networking opportunities are well-used and well-appreciated, according to short surveys after the fact.

Coming Soon…

We will be spotlighting some of our recent grantees (28 grants in February, 20 grants in May) and showcasing their work in the months to come.  Please look for these stories and more about our summer plans in the near future.
