West Marin Fund awarded $209,549 to 29 organizations that are responding to the social, economic, and health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in West Marin.
Funded activities included:
- strengthening food security, school garden development, and enhanced nutrition for children and seniors living in poverty;
- community center activities to respond to trauma;
- digital literacy training for parents;
- financial aid training and assistance for students pursuing a college or university education;
- strategic planning efforts that advance equity and inclusion; and
- supporting the transition to more efficient digital record keeping and data management systems for improved program delivery.
The following gives a sample of grant results, conveying the impact and success of 2021 Community Grants:
Parent Services Project
Impact Technology
- Provided digital literacy workshops for 26 low-income parents/caregivers of students attending Tomales Elementary, West Marin Elementary, and Tomales High School to increase parent/school communication and student success
- 100% of parents/caregivers reported an increase in digital literacy skills and their ability to effectively engage with school technology in support of their students learning
- 100% of parent/caregiver participants reported that they have a deeper understanding of how to navigate the educational system online, build partnerships with school personnel, and support their students

Strategic Framework for Equity and Inclusion
- With the help of a consultant, KWMR developed a strategic framework, which included key performance indicators over a three-year period, six-month board of directors reporting schedule, linking goals to the budgeting process, and building in employee performance evaluations
- The result of this framework has enabled KWMR to clearly plan for leadership succession, establish feasible goals for raising revenue, and bring expanded programmatic offerings to reach a wider audience
Halleck Creek Ranch
Scholarship Support
- Halleck Creek applied the funding to directly support the Breaking Barrier Fund, which ensures that no one is turned away from receiving their services due to insufficient finances
- Funding enabled the provision of affordable tuition rates for all program participants and provided sliding-fee scholarship support to 21 individuals
- Participants in the program range in age from 6 to 65 years old, with 50% living in households with an annual income of less than $60,000, all of whom have at least one diagnosed disability, with one-third of the participants diagnosed with more than one disability
River Otter Ecology Project
Tomales High School Environmental Education
- River Otter Ecology Project was able to support and expand environmental educational opportunities offered at Tomales High School, encouraging and engaging students of all grades, heightening their interest, awareness, and understanding of environmental issues
- The program engaged and included professionals and community leaders, exposing students to demographically diverse professionals related to the environmental and other STEM professions
- Program evaluations show that more than 70% of participating students have an increased understanding of the drivers of climate change, the impacts on habitat and wildlife, are inspired to continue with advanced course offerings, and over 95% indicated a desire to become stewards of local or other watersheds
Congratulations to all of our 2021 Community Grant Partners!
- 10,000 Degrees
- Audubon Canyon Ranch
- Bolinas Community Center
- Bolinas Community Land Trust
- Bolinas Stinson Young Stewards of the Land
- Community Action Marin
- Community Land Trust Association of West Marin
- Environmental Action Committee of West Marin
- ExtraFood
- Gallery Route One
- Halleck Creek Ranch
- Innovative Health Solutions
- Natura Institute for Ecology and Medicine
- Nicasio School Foundation
- Papermill Creek Children’s Corner
- Parent Services Project
- River Otter Ecology Project
- San Geronimo Valley Affordable Housing Association
- San Geronimo Valley Community Center
- Slide Ranch
- The Dance Palace
- The Mesa Refuge
- The New School at Commonweal
- The Resilience Project
- West Marin Climate Action
- West Marin Community Services