Our 8th ConFab focused on our relationships with the local media, as requested by many of you. We learned about options and strategies for local media outreach and were all on the same page for when we develop collaborative efforts.
We started with a terrific overview by Peter Rodgers of CVNL – Center for Volunteer and Non-Profit Leadership. He created an understanding of how communication works best,using both traditional and social media — and insisted it could be fun. It was.
That was followed by a panel of 5 representatives from our local print & radio media outlets:
- Robert Sterling, Editor of the Marin Independent Journal – Marin IJ Handout
- Amanda Eichstaedt, Executive Director of radio station KWMR – KWMR Handout
- Tess Elliott, Editor of the Point Reyes Light
- Tom Gogola, of the Pacific Sun weekly (from Bolinas)
- StuArt Chapman, an editor of the Bolinas Hearsay News
Each one gave specific information about how to reach them with a story (press release? phone call? email?) and invited communication with them directly. That was worth the price of admission — or more, since admission to the ConFabs is free.
The Q&A was equally specific and lively, and the following reception was its usual warm gathering of West Marin leaders in conversation with the media and one another.
Go to our Facebook page to see photos from the event!